Who is the Author & What Kind of Music is this?
The songs, lyrics and melodies, were written and performed by Frank Princiotta, Chapel Hill, NC (fprinciotta@msn.com). He is a retired chemical engineer who directed an environmental research program for the United States EPA. He has written these songs over a 50 year period. He is responsible for all aspects of this collection including arrangements, instrument selection, mixing and recording. He believes that an artist can best control the quality of his art by controlling the total production process. He was aided in this effort by a state of the art computer based hardware and software in his own home studio. The songs are copyrighted but have not been published. He has performed many of these songs in open house venues and enjoys discussing the songs before he performs them.
150 Original Songs free to download No Gimmicks-No Games >>>Q&As
Q: Why would anyone give away songs for free?
A: The songs were not written & recorded with profit as a goal. They were written as artistic creations with the objective of utilizing the power of music to highlight important themes such as values, family, friends, the environment, aging, evil and war. The author would like his work to be shared with anyone interested in such music. All that is requested is that the authorship of the song be acknowledged if used in a public or profit making venue.
Q: How do I use the site to hear & download music?
A: There are two sets of music compilations: the 7 CD Albums & the eleven Theme Albums on the home page. The CD albums are compilations of selected songs released over the last eight years, with broad themes related to the flow of time, e.g., Volume 1, One of These Days, released January, 2009. Note that the last CD on the list was dedicated to an Environmental Theme: When Will We Learn?, Songs Dedicated to Mother Earth. The Theme Albums include songs with a common theme, e.g., Family. Just click on the titles & the songs available can be played and are downloadable.Q. What gives with the Highlighted Songs
A. Every few of months I highlight selected songs. These could be new or updated/upgraded songs or those that may be particularly relevant to anniversaries (9-11-2001) or recent current events, i.e., another gun related massacre
Q: Can I provide feedback?
A: Feedback would be appreciated, & can be provided by sending a message to Frank Princiotta; fprinciotta@msn.comWhat's new?
- Note that the theme graphic is a collage representing all of the songs in this theme album.
(b)Highlighted Songs: Recently Added Four Updated Songs: Creatures, Mr. Jefferson, The English Rose, Before its Too Late and Just a Stray Cat?" Also an additional 19 songs new or upgraded since December 2014. Click below to get to the Highlighted Song page
Highlighted Songs |
Songs By Themes
CD Albums Winds of time

Vol. 1 - One of These Days, Jan. 2009

Vol. 3. I Wonder Why (1), November, 2009

Vol.5. I Wonder Why (2), December 2011

When Will We Learn?, Dedicated to Mother Earth, August, 2009, upgraded March, 2015