Heart Rock - A collection of original songs by Frank Princiotta
Who Wrote and Performed These songs?
The songs, lyrics and melodies, were written and performed by Frank Princiotta, 100 Longwood Drive, Chapel Hill, NC, 27541.(919-408-0796). He is a chemical engineer who directs an environmental research program for the United States Environmental Protection Agency. He has written these songs over a 50 year period. He is responsible for all aspects of this collection including arrangements, instrument selection, mixing and recording. He believes that an artist can best control the quality of his art by controlling the total production process. He was aided in this effort by a state of the art computer based hardware and software in his own home studio. The songs are copyrighted but have not been published. He has performed many of these songs in open house venues and enjoys discussing the songs before he performs them.
What Kind of Music is This?
Perhaps this music represents a new genre. It certainly doesn't fit neatly in any major category . The music combines some of the features of rock, folk, country, gospel and blues. The lyrics are strong, direct and from the heart. The aim is to highlight important thought provoking issues through the power of music. The melodies are haunting with emphasis on minor chords and memorable chord progressions. Most have a strong rhythm or rock component. Absent are traditional subjects such as "I love her", "she left me" and the infinite variations on these overworked themes. Some songs describe important events such as Dunblane, where 16 children were randomly shot, Flight 93, one man's view of the heroics on 9-11-2001, and The Day Justice Died, a critical view of the OJ trial. In Trees a child asks about a big plant he learned about in history class. Help the Children Grow reminds us that children are the future and in Where Were You Dad? A son chastises his father for a deteriorating home planet. Perhaps the most haunting songs are Beautiful Spring, about life's cycle and Children Forever dedicated to children who die young and I Wonder Why; an old man wonders about the meaning of his life
Is There a Substantial Collection?
The Heart Rock collection comprises a total of 250 recorded songs, all of comparable quality and all written and performed with the goal of intelligent and thought provoking themes.
These Songs are Free? What's the Catch?
No games, the goal is to make this thought provoking music available at no charge to anyone who is interested.